Tuesday, May 29, 2012

DIY Garden Lattice

This year, I wanted my plants to climb something more stable and good looking than bamboo with twine tied to it. My solution? PVC and plastic fencing.

Home depot trip:
6x 2' rebar stakes
5x 10' 3/4" white PVC pipe
6x  3/4" white PVC elbow joint
25'x3' green plastic fencing
1 bunch of black zip-ties

First cut the PVC into three 5' sections and six 4' sections. Use the elbow joints to put one 4' section on each end of the 5' sections.

Zip tie the fencing to the PVC frame.

Pound the 2' rebar 1' into the ground where you want the lattice to go. 
Put the lattice on the rebar stakes.

These are easily replaceable, repairable, and they look great.

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool, I can't wait to see pictures with the plants growing up your new lattices!
