Eleven days ago I wrote down a few thoughts about moving to Iowa. Packing up a house into boxes
We got up at 4:00 A.M. on Thursday and packed the remainder of our belongings into a full uHaul and Ford Escort (with its front wheels strapped to the car dolly). We crowded the dogs into the front seat with us and drove to the gas station at 5:00 A.M. where I had my first attempt at filling up a 17 ft. truck with a car on a dolly close behind.
By ten o'clock we were five hours into our trip and crossing into Oklahoma.
The trip itself was memorable--insomuch as it was my first 17 ft. truck drive and that in and of itself was stressful--but we drove through Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, and Iowa so I didn't see anything really worthy of note.
In an attempt to find our hotel in Kansas City, we took an exit that sent us directly into a residential district. I had to drive uphill in the snow on a road lined with parked cars on both sides. It was the most stressful drive of my life. At one point I had to pull in my mirrors to inch past an SUV, but we made it safe and sound.
Our apartment is half underground near the parking lot, so we moved at least two thirds of the truck contents on the
The kitchen is completely unpacked (to our knowledge) and most other rooms, save the office, are well on their way. We still have addresses to change, forms to fill, and furniture to purchase, but we're well on our way to being real residents of Iowa.