Today is a good day to sit at home and sip chicken soup. Two days of throat irritation bloomed into full sinus congestion overnight--with more thorns than petals. We had blue skies until this evening when the rain swept by in sheets and the sound of distant thunder lulled me into an early-evening nap.
Wednesday was far more interesting. The Rockwell Collins Soccer (summer) League kicked off, and I was on a new team from the spring league. Caleb and David joined the team, so they weren't all strangers. I met all the players, and we played a hard game against team 4 (not the most original of team names). In the second half I played sweeper, and as they fell behind 3 to 0, team 4 slipped into desperation. With only two minutes left in the game, one of their main strikers ran towards me, and I turned to keep ahead of him--his footing shifted. Crack. For a second everything was black; I felt my knees hit the ground. I stood and collapsed again, everything was blurry. I heard myself yell for a substitute somewhere in the muted distance as I stumbled towards a greenish blue horizon. With help I made it to the sidelines and fell to my hands and knees, gasping for breath.
Once I regained breathing control (lost partly from pain and partly from fury), Caleb and Stephanie took Becca and I to the emergency room to have my neck/skull looked at. The doctor didn't diagnose a concussion, and my brain is as ok as it has been. It'll take more than an intentional elbow to the the base of the skull to stop me.